Journal Reviewer
A Journal reviewer is an individual, often an expert in a specific academic or professional field, who evaluates and critiques scholarly articles submitted to journals for publication. The review process is a critical part of maintaining the quality and integrity of published research
Hamid Yusuf, M.M., MAPPI (Cert), FRICS.
KJPP Rengganis Hamid dan Rekan
Ivan Teguh Khristian, M.Ec.Dev., MAPPI (Cert)
KJPP Dasa'at Yudistira dan Rekan
Dr. Arie Wibowo
Pusat Pembinaan Profesi Keuangan, Kementrian Keuangan.
Benny Supriyanto, M.Sc., MAPPI (Cert)
KJPP Benedictus Darmapuspita dan Rekan
Desmar Dam Sitompul, M.M., MAPPI (Cert)
KJPP Desmar Ferdinand Hentriawan dan Rekan
Joyce Heryanto, M.Sc., MAPPI (Cert)
Universitas Tarumanegara